Ask Better Questions * Refuse to Complain * Meditate

There are many tools that I have employed over the years that have helped to increase my vibration, enhance my mood, remind me to respond instead of react. There is nothing new under the sun here....and to tell you the truth, at this point, I don't even remember where I picked all of them up. I am including them here as another reminder to use them when I need to!

Our minds are excellent at focusing on and finding answers to questions we pose. Therefore, it is important to ask the right questions. What do I expect when I ask things like...Why do I always lose things? If I'm thinking straight, I can expect to lose things more often, as my mind will justify the loss, and focus on all the justifications that "cause" me to lose things.

As a tool to stay focused on what I want...I can ask better questions. Here are some that provide me with results that I enjoy experiencing....

Refuse to Complain

It is true that we get what we focus on. So...when I catch myself complaining (about ANYTHING...the weather, my weight, my fitness, my finances, my health, my relatives, my friends, my lovers, my boss, my work associates....) it is very helpful to remember that via my continued attention to these "issues" I am attracting the very things I am complaining about. When I allow myself to continue to complain, I am simply being a lazy focuser. Realizing this, my goal is to use every instance where I find myself compaining and turn my attention immediately away from what I was thinking of and move it onto something that I want, like, enjoy. I get what I focus on....and while I can not monitor all of my thoughts, I find it a bit easier to identify when I am complaining. A complaint free life would be a very big step in the direction of a totally joyous life.


Dare I state the obvious? Is there any doubt that a daily meditation practice enhances life? Much like it would be difficult these days to find someone who would tell me that white sugar, white flour or smoking are good for would be difficult to find someone who would state that meditation was not beneficial. Taking the time to clear my mind each day...for as little as 15 minutes, opens many doors that lead to all the places that I want to go!